Word and Character Count Tool: Analyzing Text Input in Python

Word & Character Count of a Given String in Python.

Word and Character Count Tool: Analyzing Text Input in Python

Program with explanation :

# Prompting the user to input a sentence
print("Enter a sentence ") 

# Getting input from the user
sentence = input() 

# Splitting the sentence into words
words = sentence.split() 

# Initializing counters for word count and character count
word_count = 0 
character_count = 0 

# Iterating through each word in the list of words
for word in words: 
    # Counting the number of words
    word_count += 1 
    # Counting the number of characters in each word and adding it to the total character count
    character_count += len(word) 

# Printing the total number of words in the sentence
print("Total Numbers of Words in the sentence are : ", word_count) 

# Printing the total number of characters in the sentence excluding spaces
print("Total Numbers of characters in the sentence excluding spaces are : ", character_count) 

# Printing the total number of characters in the sentence including spaces
print("Total Numbers of characters in the sentence including spaces are : ", character_count + word_count - 1)  


# The last print statement calculates the total number of characters in the sentence, 
# including spaces, by adding the character count to the word count and then subtracting 1. 
# The subtraction of 1 accounts for the spaces between words, as each space is counted 
# as a character except for the space after the last word.

 Here is the program :

 print("Enter a sentence ") 
 sentence = input() words = sentence.split() 
 word_count = 0 
 character_count = 0 
for word in words: 
 word_count += 1 
 character_count += len(word)
print("Total Numbers of Words in the sentence are : ",word_count) 
 print("Total Numbers of characters in the sentence excluding spaces are : ",character_c ount) print("Total Numbers of characters in the sentence including spaces are : ",character_count+word_count-1) 

 Here is the output :

 Enter a sentence 
 My name is King 
 Total Numbers of Words in the sentence are : 4 
 Total Numbers of characters in the sentence excluding spaces are : 12 
 Total Numbers of characters in the sentence including spaces are : 15 
